It was a rainy day today, so I am glad that we got in so much outside time yesterday! The children and I took a little trip to our library and chose some great new books (Mr. Putter and Tabby, two Barbara Cooney books, and a bunch of others... in fact, I had to limit the children because our bag was overflowing!).
The little ones and I have been going to the services each night. We have only had Bridegroom Matins so far and typically we stay until after the Gospel and then head back to the house for bedtime. It has been working out well, but as Great and Holy Week continues, I hope we'll be able to stay until the end.
In other news, the lettuce seeds that I planted a week ago are up! I put quite a few seed in each hole and so now I am thinning them out a little. I'll know to plant them a little better in the autumn. In a week or two, I'll be getting the herbs situated. I want to plant basil, rosemary, dill, and parsley to start. I can't wait!
This year I've packed a small cooler in the back of the van with water and lenten protein packed foods and fruit. If there is one thing that has been stressful with littles, its been the service times nearing mealtime or bedtime. Of course having their clothes ready with socks in shoes is helpful for them too. ;)
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