Monday, October 28


Mark was still courting me. His love and commitment never wavered, even though mine seemed to go up and down like an EKG.  The gifts that he brought me that spring were humble and so beautiful.  The contrast between the harshness of our lives then and the tenderness of those small gestures was shocking.  A little bundle of wildflowers, laid on my pillow in the afternoon.  A small drawing of the hawk we'd watched flying low over the marshy field behind the house.  After the plants were in the ground I went to bed with a fever, and he brought me a plate of wild strawberries ringed by flowers and leaves, and sat on the edge of my bed and chattered and joked while I ate them, and would not take any for himself."

Kristin Kimball


Jeannine said...

This is one of my very favorite FAVORITE books!! I hope you're enjoying it as much as I did. ❤️

Unknown said...

Totally not related to this post....but can you please tell me where you got your tabletop play kitchen. Thanks. As always, Love, love love your blog. You inspire me in so many ways.

MamaBirdEmma said...

I really did, Jeannine! It was hard to put down!

MamaBirdEmma said...

Hi Angela!

We bought the little kitchen on Amazon a few years ago (on clearance, I believe). The store was called Willow Tree Toys and it looks like they are not selling through Amazon anymore. I found this one on Etsy that I thought was similar:

Let me know if I can help in any other way!

Unknown said...

OH thank you SO MUCH. My husband says play kitchens take up too much room. I think he just doesn't think boys need a play kitchen. I know my 3 y/o would love it though. I'll check it out. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

I just checked it out and think it looks perfect. Thanks

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