Tuesday, October 30

Yarn Along: Jenny and the Cat Club...

This week finds me knitting away on my second Be Loving hat and reading Jenny and the Cat Club to the little ones.  It is very windy and much colder outdoors now, so I am trying to knit quickly so that the children's heads will be warm!  We are spending a lot of time in front of the fire this week which goes well with my three favorite past times:  knitting, reading, and drinking hot chocolate!

What are you knitting and reading?


Matushka Anna said...

Finally finished the cotton dishcloth I started several ages ago. (: Most of the way done with a scarf I'm knitting for my mom. My crocheting has advanced a whole lot more than my knitting!

Just finished Journey to the Center of the Earth again. Fantastic stuff. I had missed a lot of the comedy the last time I read it umpteen years ago.

Mama Shara said...

Is that a hot chocolate with luscious cream on top? Looks delicious....

Tracey ~ Clover said...

I haven't heard of Jenny and the Cat Club and will have to find a copy for my little wee one, she adores cats. Enjoy knitting in front of the fire.

Courtney said...

No knitting, but we found a several other Jenny books at the library a few weeks ago. Several full length books and two short stories. We've read Jenny and the Cat Club so many times, I was thrilled to branch out! LOL!

Jess said...

A good book, a cozy knit and hot chocolate? Sounds like heaven.

tess said...

Those are three of MY favorite past times as well! :) Looks lovely - enjoy the rest of your week!

Anke said...

Knitting, reading and hot chocolate - what could be better. :-)

Unknown said...

Your three favorites sound about perfect to me. My daughter loved Jenny and the Cat Club. We just finished Big Susan.

Deborah Hamilton said...

That looks like a cute little hat, and you have a good idea about the chocolate.

Dianna said...

I wish I could knit. I just finished reading a Raggedy Ann book to my three-year-old daughter, which she absolutely loved. I am looking forward to trying out your Jenny book on my kids. I think they would love it!

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