O Master, Lord our God, Who by Thy Hypostatic and
Unoriginate Word, and Thy life-giving Spirit, Equal-in-honor, hast brought all
things out of nothingness into being, Who hast established the sand as bounds to
the sea and did set in place the hills and valleys by Thy rule, Who hast
measured Heaven with a span and holds the earth in the hollow of Thy hand, Who
has given this creation measures and rules, boundaries and compositions, and
visible and physical orders, Who also, as Thy gesture, has ineffably put in
place changes of time and returns of the sun, and the disclosing of elements,
and Who directs them to an unalterable and unchangeable
Do Thou show unto us in this time of storm and
tribulation, Thy compassionate love and quickly return the natural order of
creation. Constrain the storm and cut apart the disturbance of the air.
Command the winds to render a timely and harmonious breath. Rebuke the
waves of the sea and the river bank floods. Lessen the downpour of rains.
Protect us all in this time of danger and trial. Remember not our sins and
transgressions but be merciful to us and Thy creation.
O Lover of Mankind and Master, by Thine unequaled
love for mankind, Who, by Thy good pleasure and the activity of Thy Holy Spirit,
did will Thine Only-Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, become Man and
sail together with Thy holy disciples and apostles, Who did rebuke the stormy
winds and did command the waves of the sea to be calm; Do Thou Thyself, now,
also. soothe every contrary wind, clam the waves of the sea, re-direct flood
waters, appease the hurricane and restore the good order of nature.
May Thy Holy Name of the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit, be glorified, now and always, unto the ages of ages. Amen.
We did a prayer for the hurricane at the end of Liturgy too.
Thanks for this. It's coming tomorrow.
Keep safe.
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