Wednesday, March 2

Lenten Reading,,,

Great Lent begins in only a few more days (March 7th) and we are in a flurry of preparations. One of the things that I'd like to do is spend some time choosing a few books to read over the course of Great Lent. We got a flier in the mail for a new Frederica Mathewes-Green book that was recently published and I lent out Close to Home a few weeks ago, so that has been on my mind to be re-read.

What are you planning on reading? Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

This may be a little odd, but I've considered "fasting" from books this Lent, committing to reading only the Bible. I have a tendency to read four or five books at a time, and it sometimes gets in the way of truly focusing on God's Word.

(Oh, side-note: I'm not Orthodox, but I'm exploring the possibility and have really enjoyed reading your blog!)

Αγαπη said...

One of my reading goals for Lent is to actually read through each of the Holy Week services (some what in preparation, you might say.) The services are so replete with scripture and theology it is a shame we only experience their content in the midst of Holy Week itself.

Sarah in Indiana said...

We have a study at church after Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, and we are reading Schemann's The Great Lent

Since I'm so ready for spring, I think I'm also going to read Inheriting Paradise by Vigen Guroian.

I'm also thinking about The Screwtape Letters because I've never read that one, and I'll probably choose the life of a Saint. Not sure which one. That may be more than I'll get to, but I want to have plenty at hand.

elizabeth said...

I love Saint books (St. Necktarios, St. John the Wonderworker, St. Seraphim, etc) ... the sayings of the desert fathers is really good reading... there is a book called _Return: Repentance and confession Return to God and to His Church by Arch. Necktarios Antonopoulos published by Akristas Publications that is excellent (and is not that long either)... Colliander's _way of the ascetics_ is one that I have not finished reading yet (I was not ready for it all) but gave me a greater sense of what is really true and what is missing in our society), Fr. Hopko's _Lenten Spring_ is not one I have read yet, but from his podcast on lenten reading, where at the end he talks about his book as well, it sounds like a good one to have and read. I have the one by F. Matthew-Green on the 40 days and it is very good. After reading this book, her book on _the Jesus Prayer_ is great. I need to re-read both at some point...

you can tell I am a librarian and love to talk about Orthodox books :)


Will pray for you today as I saw on another post that you were feeling quite tired. Hard to be a Mom etc and not get tired. Hugs.

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