Wednesday, August 11

Living and Learning for August...

I've decided to resume my monthly Living and Learning Lists. I've missed them since finishing a year of them in December! They are so helpful to me in setting the tone for our month... hopefully they won't be repetitive or boring for my readers!

Saint Herman of Alaska
Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk
The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

Serve breakfast and lunch on the porch
Visit farmer's market before it closes for the year
Make S'mores as a family
Clean the house top to bottom before the baby's baptism
Plan everyone's clothing for the Baptism
Get baby's cross for the Baptism
Plan menu for the Baptism
Organize out of season children's clothing in nursery closet
Frame children's artwork
Plan for upcoming school year (the official start of Pre-School!)

Tummy time
Start using the baby wrap to carry Baby

Learning Basket Themes

Daily Rhythms
Monday - Library
Tuesday - Story Hour
Wednesday - Playground
Thursday - Beach
Friday - Nature Walk

Special Days
Four Years at Christ the Savior -1st
Full Corn Moon - 24th
Oksana - 13th
Courtney - 22nd

Practice being still and quiet during services and prayers
Practice receiving Communion properly
Cleaning up toys several times a day
Feast day shelf and book basket
Learning Plans for Transfiguration
Prepare baskets of grapes for Transfiguration
Learning Plans for Dormition
Purchase flowers to be blessed on Dormition
Attend a few performances/concerts before summer is over
Look for toads and frogs
Catch bugs
Visit the beach once
Weekly Library trip
Afternoon waterplay - hose, kiddie pool, sprinkler, etc.
Care for plants indoors and out


Matushka Anna said...

I really do find it amazing how much more productive I am (and not just for the day, but for the month) if I have a "to do" list and a "want to" list. It's so easy to get emeshed in the details of life and forget that you were going to, say, make smores. Children will remember the smores long after they've forgotten the clean tub. Of course, you still have to clean the tub. (c;

Melanie said...

Hello Mat. Emily,

I am a mother of three children similar in age to yours. I have two daughters 4 and 20 months and a son who is 4 months. My husband has a calling to the priesthood and we are praying that he is accepted to the Orthodox Pastoral School. Thank you so much for wonderful posts I find them very inspiring.

When you list your themes for the month how do you incorporate them?

In Christ,

Michelle M. said...

I had the same question as Amanda.

I love how you make these lists. We are starting Pre-School soon, and I really need to get more organized. Thanks for the inspiration.

MamaBirdEmma said...

I am planning on using my learning basket idea for the themes each month. You can see some of the baskets that I created under the tag Learning Basket. I plan on blogging about these more in the coming weeks:)

mari k. said...

I love the Living and Learning Lists -- thank you for sharing this!

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