"What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance."
- Jane Austen
The first day of summer was hot, hot, hot! We brought the hose into the screened-in porch and washed the children's picnic table (Little Man drew all over it with window crayons) and played in the water. I finally put out some new seasonal books and we enjoyed cherries for a snack! What did you do to kick off the new season?
We are still working on the ceiling and the new roof too. It was a rainy afternoon up here, but the boys were able to play outside a little down at my folks'. It looks like you had a great day!
It has been so hot here for so long already that it seems most ironic for today to be the first day of summer!
We celebrated by mostly staying inside :) though we did get to use some $.25/ pound bruised organic bananas to make your yummy banana bread.
Love your seasonal-books-and-items-on-a-shelf. Trying to figure out how to pull it off in my home. Will probably have to buy shallow shelves like you have....
We have a high of 97 here today! Ick! They kids will be staying inside this afternoon for sure. :) Even playing in water wouldn't combat heat that high.
We have so far missed out on summer, enjoy!
And, did you know that Nikki McClure is local to me?
I said a prayer of thanksgiving for being out west, rather than in Kentucky where we were visiting for a week prior to the start of summer. The weather in Colorado is just lovely, especially in the summer!
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