Wednesday, February 24


I haven't gone to get my haircut since July 2008... that is a long time even for me! My hair was getting scraggly at the ends and I always get the urge to get a makeover around my birthday. I didn't really have anything in mind, but I went to a lady that I knew I could trust. I just told her that I wanted the natural curl in my hair to come out and that I didn't want it cut too short. She gave me lots of layers and instructions to scrunch, scrunch, scrunch. Unlike last time, I am very happy!

P.S. Don't look to closely at the top of my head... lots o' gray!


Anonymous said...

Very pretty.

Unfortunately, I went in today too and came out butchered. I'm guessing that if I spoke Vietnamese I would have gotten a better cut...definitely a language barrier. :(

Courtney said...

Looks great! And I see no gray. :-)

Kate said...

How lovely! I'm getting gray hairs too, but my hair is a dark blond so it doesn't show up so much...yet. :)

I'm debating on cutting my past-the-fanny length hair. If I cut it to say my shoulder blades I could do more with 1940's hair styles.

Michelle M. said...

It looks very pretty! I am in desperate need of a haircut, too.

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