Wednesday, February 24

It's Been Awhile...

I'm sorry that I have been so absent from this blog. We've been doing well and not much is new. Great Lent has been going pretty well for us, though it has not been without its challenges. Nighttime services have been very hard for the little ones this year. The past few months we have been in such a groove with dinner, bath time, reading, prayers, and bed by 7:30 - 8:00. With weekday evening church services beginning at 7pm, everything was topsy-turvy for the little ones. Bath before dinner, no nighttime reading, sleep not coming until 9 or 10... Fortunately, nap time has remained the same (and Sugar Plum is sleeping again!!), so that really helps.

For now, we are just enjoying more time at home. We've become quite the crafting family... we actually are out of construction paper and scrap paper and have had to resort to Papa's printer paper! Markers are drying up, paint bottles are empty, glitter is dwindling (thankfully!!) etc. Our fridge has never looked better!

I hope that your last few weeks have been going well!


elizabeth said...

it is always a challenge when schedules change! hang in there!

Michelle M. said...

Your situation sounds exactly like mine :) Church services are hard for us to go to because our children go to bed at 7. And we are also running out of paper and resorted to using printer paper :) Last week, we ran out of glitter.

amy said...

ah! loved this post -- we are running out of craft supplies, too. =-) it'll be a fun trip to the store to restock... whenever we get out from under all this snow, that is!

ps... thanks for your charming blog, I was just speaking of it in my last post.

God Bless you & yours!

Tan Family said...

What a beautiful blog you have! I enjoyed reading your posts. It looks like a home filled with creativity, spirituality and peace.

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