Monday, February 15

Great Lent for Little Ones...

Last year, we created a Lenten calender to mark the days of Great Lent (the idea came from Jessica). This year, we are going to do things a little differently. While I liked the calendar to see where we were in the fast, we always forgot to do the stickers for each activity and church service. This year, I am going to keep things simple. We are going to work on three things daily this Great Lent: prayer (by learning a short prayer by heart - this is mostly for Sugar Plum since she is old enough), fasting (by placing one favorite food- one per child- into a basket each day and then emptying the basket in our church's food pantry box each Sunday before Liturgy), and almsgiving (by adding coins to a bank each day and emptying them into our church's poor box each Sunday before Liturgy). These are all simple ideas that I am hoping that I can follow through on that will hopefully help our little ones these next six or seven weeks.

I would love to hear about anything that you are doing with your little ones this holy time of year.

Also, if you are not Orthodox and are wondering what I am talking about, you can learn about Great Lent here and find out why Orthodox Christians fast, here.


Jenni said...

Ooh, I love the food basket idea. That's something I'm going to work on. For us, fasting sometimes becomes a challenge so that's really where I focus my efforts. But I really like the food basket idea!

Mimi said...

What a great idea, the food basket! Thank you!

Forgive me, my sister.

Michelle M. said...

Thanks for the great ideas. I am looking for anything that will help my children understand the true meaning of this season. Thanks!

magda said...

I love how you tie prayer, almsgiving, and fasting into a concrete (and tangible) daily routine.

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