Thursday, April 2

Diapers and Homeschooling...

Courtney has written three great posts on cloth diapering: How We Cloth Diaper, Caring for Wool, and The Cost of Cloth Diapering... all are excellent posts for both old hands at cloth diapering and those who know nothing about it!

Katherine penned three (so far!) posts on how she teaches her children all about the Orthodox Faith (a plan she worked on with our daughter's godfather!! What a small world we live in!). Learning through the Year of Grace is an overview on what she does and she also offers her plans and book list for the Paschal season. Finally, she offers her lesson plans for Bright Week, which look pretty awesome. I wish that I could stay at her house and work on The Paschal Canon in color with her children... I can't wait to see pictures!


Pres. Kathy said...

Thank God we have such a good network of Orthodox moms who can help each other!

Mimi said...

Oh my goodness, great links! Thank you!

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