Wednesday, March 18

Lenten Reading...

I finished:

I'm reading:

Next is:

What are you reading?


Anonymous said...

I read With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man last year and LOVED it. Definitely something I'll re-read. And Elizabeth's book is great inspiration for schooling. I think I'll look into finding that one on the Grand Duchess. It looks very interesting.

Courtney said...

I'm reading three of the same ones as well as A Landscape with Dragons: The Battle for Your Child's Mind and A Tangled Web (for fun!). I can't wait to hear what you thought of Passionate Housewives. I need to hurry up and finish it! said...

Angels and Demons by Peter Kreeft

Matushka Anna said...

You're really going to like the book on St. Elizabeth the new martyr. It's wonderful.

Mimi said...

I have been eying the first one, thank you for the recommendation. I thought that The Romanov Bride was an amazingly Orthodox book, written by a secular author.

And, squeal! Where did you find "New Martyr under the Communist Yoke"? Do you have copies in your bookstore? They are so hard to find, if you have a source, please let me know.

Christina said...

I just finished reading the gurus, the young man, and elder paisios. I finished reading the romanov bride a few weeks ago. and I read the Grand Duchess Elizabeth book a few years ago. My husband bought the book before we were married. I am reading the Bible and maybe I will re-read Way of a Pilgrim (that's my husband's suggestion to for me to read).

Elizabeth said...

I love reading about the books you are reading. Some great choices there!

I am way behind on your Lenten Cleaning List, but I love it anyway!

Have a great day!

Jana said...

"The Surprising Power of Family Meals: How Eating Together Makes Us Smarter, Stronger, Healthier, and Happier" by Miriam Weinstein. It is very good!

Anonymous said...

Passionate House Wives Dessperate for GOD was a great book...I just completed it myself last night

MamaBirdEmma said...

Hi Mimi!

I stole the New Martyr book from my dad's bookshelf, but I saw that you can order it through Amazon for $30...

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