How is your
Lenten Cleaning coming? As of Friday, I was four days behind (I've yet to get any of the cleaning on schedule!) and I am sure that I'll get further behind this week with all of the guests we're expecting,
Annunciation, and Carole's funeral. I'll work on what I can (I'm hoping to at least get back on track before April 1st) and not worry about it because I'll be cleaning again once we move.
I anticipate falling behind this week. I feel like you though. I'll just get to it after Pascha. I was laughing to myself that my lenten cleaning list will morph into my paschal cleaning list.
Hope you can get a lot done this week.
In Christ,
I haven't completed much. I wish I could say that I am on track, but I am behind. It doesn't worry me because I know I will complete it even if it takes longer.
I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Carole. Though, what a blessing that she was able to receive the Blessed Sacrament before her passing! I'm sure it has eased her soul on its journey.
I'm a little behind on Spring Cleaning, too. Not whole days, but tasks from various days that never got done. I'm feeling alright, though, since I gave myself the last 3 days before Good Friday to do "undone" tasks. Hopefully, I'll manage to fit them all in then.
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