Wednesday, December 3

Preparing for Nativity: Day Three...

Sorting toys is something that I have needed to do for awhile. I normally do this every few months so that I can make sure that everything is organized and has the correct pieces. Because I put a few new baskets in the reading room, I was able to move our son's baby toys to the rectangular basket on the floor rather than the larger round basket they were in previously. It is so much better for him! He has been dragging it out from under the table all morning and playing with his things happily! I also went through our art supply cabinet (the one with glass doors). Though I like the look of the baskets, they hide a lot of junk!

Today's fun Christmas-y activity was the un-veiling of the Christmas and winter felt pieces for our felt board that I worked on this past weekend (Yours are in the mail, Courtney!!).

Here is St. Joseph, the Mother of God, and Baby Jesus:

Here are the winter felt pieces that I came up with:

I'd like to make a few animals and a maybe a little winter cottage, but I think it will be nice to make those things for mid-January when we put the Holy Family away and need something new.

I am really looking forward to tomorrow! It is our Little Man's Namesday and we have some fun things planned to celebrate!


Courtney said...

They look beautiful! I can't wait to see them in person. Enjoy your little one's namesday tomorrow!

Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your Christmas felt pieces.


::Sylvia:: said...

This is beautiful! What did you use as templates for the Nativity? Can I feature this on Blissfully Domestic? Hope all is well! I'm really enjoying these posts!

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