Saturday, December 20


Please pray for Emilie, a young wife and mother, suffering through her last stage of cancer.

Edited to Add: Emilie peacefully passed away in her sleep on Wednesday night. Her husband was with her and holding her hand.

May Her Memory Be Eternal!


P. said...

God help her and stay with her in every moment.

Tracey said...

I pray for comfort and strength for her and her family and for Jesus to hold her in his arms and to bring peace for everyone.

Pres. Kathy said...

She is on our prayers.

Anwen said...

I'm praying, too.

Matushka said...

Lord have mercy!


Mimi said...

I have tears. Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy.

Meg said...

Most assuredly, and thank you for letting us know about her. Is there a way of finding out when the end comes, do you know?

MamaBirdEmma said...

Thanks for all of your prayers, Ladies. My heart is breaking for her and her family.

Meg, the only way I know to find out what's going on is through her blog:

I know that her husband has access to it and she has said in the past that he will let people know what is going on when she can't. I know that things are going to be hard for him though, because they have a 2 year old and a 9 month old.

Martha said...

How hard it must be for her...wondering how her children will grow up, without her able to hold their hands. Cancer is just so widespread's scary! I will pray for Emilie.

Meg said...

Thanks, Matushka, I hadn't realized that her husband had access to the blog, and will keep checking back on it. What worries me most about the family's situation is, What kind of bereavement support will they have? I hope their parish is better at it than any of the Catholic parishes I know.

Agape said...

I am so sad, so very ,very sad. May her memory be eternal! May the Lord God grant that her soul rest where the righteous repose.

Elizabeth said...

So young.

God bless her family!

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