Sunday, December 28

The Fourth Day of Christmas...

What a whirlwind few days! My husband's family came for the weekend - MIL on Friday, BILs and one's girlfriend on Saturday, and FIL on Sunday. All stayed for a yummy Christmas meal and a present exchange. It was the perfect end to an interesting weekend that included a visit from the exterminator to deal with our resident mice, top to bottom house cleaning (due to aforementioned rodents), tons of cooking, and a touch of the stomach 'flu for two little ones. I am going to thank God for my hard-working and very helpful husband and sleep well tonight!


Courtney said...

Whew! What a weekend. I'm glad you survived! Are the kiddos feeling better?

MamaBirdEmma said...

Hi Courtney!

They were fine by dinnertime... if they were older, I'd swear they were just trying to get out of going to church;)

Michelle M. said...

I am glad that kids are feeling better. It seems like a lot of people are getting sick right after Christmas.

Your dinner table looks lovely. I am glad you enjoyed some time with family.

Michelle said...

I love your serving set (the white), what is that? Your table looks so put together, whereas mine looks haphazard.

MamaBirdEmma said...

Hi Michelle!

Our plates and bowls are Pottery Barn's Emma pattern (we received it for our wedding), the platter is something I picked up at Marshall's (the best place for household stuff in my opinion!), and everything else is Corelleware from Walmart.

MamaBirdEmma said...

I forgot to mention all my dishes do not match, but it is all white and I think that helps with a pulled together table.

Miss G said...

we are having mice too and it is NOT a happy thing for me! oh dear! Kelly

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