Wednesday, July 2

Our First Foray into Homeschooling...

The past six months have found our family (at least mama and daughter) getting more and more interested in and being introduced to homeschooling. I've been reading books by Barbara Curtis and perusing websites all the while getting more and more interested in combining Montessori and Waldorf homeschooling methods and mixing them up with our Faith to make up our own kind of Orthodox Mondorf Homeschooling;) I have many more nights of research and will probably revise my feelings, findings, and application of our schooling methods, but I feel like I am on the right track.

I took our little two year old to Easter Seals today to get tested for a speech delay and was happy to find out that while she is a little behind her peers, she will not need speech therapy right now (we will revisit things in a few months and see how she progresses). After talking to the speech therapist about some recommendations she had for our daughter, I decided to revise my "homeschooling" plan for our two year old this evening. I tossed out my plans that outlined reviewing colors, numbers, and the ABC's and have replaced them with more reasonable expectations I'd like to fill our days with.
  • My first priority is to read to both children more. We typically read 5 - 6 books before naptime and then 5 or 6 more books at bedtime. I would like to have a designated reading time in the morning as well... I might focus that reading time on poems and nursery rhymes.
  • One of the suggestions the speech therapist had for us was to frequent story hour more and go to playdates regularly (so that she can see other children talking). I have not made this a priority, and am going to aim for one playdate and one story hour per week. On the days that we don't go somewhere, I will make the effort to do a special project or activity (such as going to the playground or going on an outing).
  • Each morning I'd like to do some simple picture identification activities with our daughter.
  • One of the things that I have really dropped the ball with lately is getting the children outside to play every day. I am going to try to make sure that we get out for an hour a day... I am even going to look into the Waldorf idea that going out in inclement weather is fine as long as one is properly dressed... we will make use of our screened-in porch at the very least!
  • I am going to make more of an effort to recite nursery rhymes, sing songs, and do finger plays throughout the day.
  • I plan on having one arts and crafts project set up each day... even if it is just playing with play-doh or coloring.
  • As far as religious instruction goes, I have been picking one thing to work on and then practicing it until we can do it... right now, we are working on making the Sign of the Cross. It was so neat to see her learn how to get a blessing from a Bishop or Priest!
  • I am going to continue working on some Small Beginnings exercises with our daughter. She loves to do them and the skills that they teach are invaluable!
So, that's the plan! I am sure that we won't be able to do everything every day, but I have a goal and I feel like this is the time for us to see how homeschooling works for our family and fits in to the rhythm of our day. I'll keep you posted!


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Orthodox Mondorf Homeschooling...

That's so funny!

We do Traditional Catholic Masontorri around here.

Courtney said...

As you know, I think this is an excellent "curriculum." Oh, and of course lots of time for open-ended, creative play! I've been doing fairly well with mine except for the art projects. I've definitely been slacking. I'd like to start branching out a bit too and work on some simple seasonal crafts, etc. too.

Monica said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

We are just about to embark on our second year of Homeschooling, and I must say if it wasnt for the extended folks I have come across in blog land that homeschool I am pretty sure I would have thrown in the towel, but the Lord is GOOD and He will lead you to the proper curriculum that is intended for you and your family, I wish you many blessings on this endeaver, and dont forget to look up in the Yahoo Groups for local home schooling groups in your area, thats also another great way to locate other home schooling mommas to get out and do field trips and play groups as well.

Mimi said...

That sounds so lovely!

Bluecanopy said...

sounds like what we're hoping to do! how exciting. we'll start "kindergarten" in the fall...have you heard of "the garden of the theotokos" curriculum? it can be found at

if you wouldn't mind sharing thoughts...send me an email. i'd love to discuss this with someone like-minded.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking for a long time that I need to set up a schedule like that for my son. You have given me a great jumping off place. Thanks!!

The dB family said...

Emma, this sounds wonderful! I read everything I could get my hands on about homeschooling before we embarked on our journey four years ago. It has been a blessing indeed!

h west said...

Ooooooo. . .I found you thanks to your comment on Blue Canopy. I'm sunk. Another homeschool Orthodox blogger!!! Yippee!!!! Glad I found you!!!!

Elizabeth said...

Great plans! I hope all goes smoothly. I remember homeschooling that age. It is very sweet.

Michelle said...

Your thought about inclement weather made me a little sad. When my Seanie was little, I used to take him out to stroll in the rain, rain boots and umbrella equipped. Poor Nicholas and Ayden have never had a stroll through the rain. Perhaps I need to remedy that!

Alana said...

Your plan sounds lovely.

Enjoy the years while they are wee, it flies by so fast.

Jen said...


HIP HIP HOORAY! Another homeschooling family in our family! I am so glad you have decided to do this and we will help out any way we can...I bet your state has better laws than mine does!

xoxo Aunt J.

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