Friday, July 18

Friday's Feminine Tip...

Take some time to make the meals that you prepare and serve special today. Add a cloth to the table, pop a few flowers into a vase for a quick centerpiece, garnish your dishes with fresh herbs, or even use your best china! Make every meal beautiful... even the bowl of cheerios you hand your child for breakfast!


Fiona said...

Thank you for such a timely post Emma. I did this last week and it was such a pleasure. My husband and I usually eat dinner on the sofa in front of the tv - pas chic! He arrived home from work to find the table set with a tablecloth and cloth napkins, candles lit and soft music playing. It was so relaxing and really no more work (we use cloth napkins anyway and usually having a candle lit on the coffee table - so near and yet so far!) that we plan to make it a regular thing.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! It's not that we don't have nice dinners, but with a 6 year old, dinner isn't always as quiet and romantic as you want it to be!


Anonymous said...

Great post Emma, and I love the photo.

I think I'll pull out a few pretty dessert plates I recently purchased to use with dinner. I also want to wash the place mats I picked up at a garage sale recently to brighten up my kitchen table.

Have a great day!

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