Saturday, March 17

Use What You Have

I'm so happy!  I bought this cabinet many moons ago at a garage sale and it has always held our dvds.  Since beginning to collect my pretty blue dishes, I have wanted a china cabinet, but they were always too big or too expensive.  Recently, I spotted a similar cabinet at an antique store chock full of dishes and I realized that the solution to my wish was right under my nose all along.  The dinner plates are a bit too wide for this narrow cabinet, so I bought two bamboo dish racks on Amazon to help with the space.  I love this arrangement!


Woman of the House said...

It looks wonderful! I have a large collection of blue and white which we use everyday. I love it! The bamboo dish racks are a very clever idea!

Kathryn said...

It looks like it belongs there. Beautiful. It's always a wonderful surprise to find you have just what you need right in your own home.

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