Tuesday, December 20

Gingerbread Springerle Cookies

My gingerbread springerle cookies are finished! I'm really happy with how they turned out. They are not terribly sweet, so they may not be a favorite for those who like sugary treats (my husband wants me to try to turn them into sandwich cookies with a little icing), but I'm glad that they look so pretty and feel like this is a nice new Christmas tradition for our family!


elizabeth said...

so so lovely!!!! Wish we were closer, I would love to learn to bake that way!

B. G. Kombos said...

These are beautiful! I must get a Springerlemold myself!

lila u. said...

These fill me with joy. They're so, so lovely. And the mold you chose reminds me of the shepherd frieze you bought from the Sheep & Wool Festival!

Kathryn said...

These are so beautiful! I'll have to keep an eye out for a mold too.

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