I grew up in an Antiochian Orthodox parish and though I have come to love Russian Liturgics, Iconography, and chant more than the byzantine style, I have to say that there is nothing on earth more beautiful than The Lamentations in Byzantine Chant on Great and Holy Friday.
I think (at least in my experience) anyone who has heard first Holy Friday in the Byzantine tradition would agree; I know I also do! my first two Holy Weeks and Paschas were at my Antiochian church in MI! :) I will have to listen to this link soon, thanks! (and Mr. Husband has often said the same of this service)...
Oh I had been looking for this link, we had listened to it last year and could not find it! Thank you.
This post made me so happy! First as an Orthodox and second because I'm Romanian.
I didn't know until now the English translation: "The Lamentations". In Romanian it is called: "Prohodul Domnului" (this title will help you if you want to search more videos on Youtube)
(Excuse the delayed response, catching up on my blog reading) My parish is Antiochian, and the Lamentations service is my favorite of the whole year. We sing alternate verses in Arabic and English, and it is just so beautiful and moving. It so perfectly captures the intense bittersweetness of the the death of our Savior.
This is so beautiful.
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