When he saw the clouds after dinner tonight, my husband suggested driving to a little park on the water to photograph the sunset. He manned the big camera and tripod on the pier and I took care of the trio on the rocks. The children and I fled to the car only a few minutes after this shot was taken to save ourselves from swarms of mosquitoes.
I sent my sister a text this morning with five things that I hoped to accomplish today and basically was only able to get two things on my list done. I am realizing though, that this month is just kicking my tail and I have to be happy with what I am able to do. Ultimately, I hope that these little ones are going to remember that their mother said 'yes' to spending time outside at sunset rather than 'yes' to cleaning the toilets, folding laundry, and washing the dinner dishes. People before things. It's a hard lesson to learn!
People before things, that's what Jesus did!
It's a wonderful lesson to learn. Thank you.
it's not easy but yes, people first...
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