Thursday, December 26

The First Day of Christmas...

Today was a quiet one.  The little ones seemed to just know that was what they needed too, and so they spent the day with new art supplies (three new favorites:  a huge set of art supplies from Grandmama and Grandpapa and two new books from our good friendsNature to Color and 200 paper Plane to Fold and Fly).

One of the things that we did differently this year was presents and I hope that I remember to do it again in future years.  We always give a stocking full of goodies and three gifts to each child on Christmas Day. We also exchange gifts with grandparents, godparents, and several friends and that adds up to a lot of gifts!  This year, I left all of the gifts from faraway friends and family in a large box in our closet and only put out the gifts from Mama and Papa.  The children opened up their stockings before Liturgy and then their gifts from us in the early afternoon.  Last night before bed, they each opened up a gift from our friends and then this morning they received a gift from my parents, one from their godparents and one from generous parishioners.  It has been so lovely to open things slowly and really savor the things that they receive.  We still have two more small gifts to open in the coming days, so it should really spread things out nicely.

There is still so much to celebrate...  I can hardly believe that Christmas is really here!  I hope that you are having a wonderful Christmas too!


elizabeth said...

that's a lovely way to do it! blessed 12 days to you!

Maria said...

Yes, you can appreciate each gift more if they don't come in a heap and a rush.

Your snowflakes look lovely in the windows.

Unknown said...

Love the snowflakes.

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