Wednesday, January 19

Everyday Joy...

I'm savoring the everyday here... quiet before a storm of comings and goings.
We're listening to Enya, enjoying the gray and brown landscape on a foggy day, starting to bake bread again, and taking turns cuddling sweet Button.

What are you up to today?


Anonymous said...

Sounds lovely.

Anonymous said...

Daughter and I are currently purging her room of unwanted items and chaos.. part of the challenge this year to simplify and not keep unwanted things.

Kate said...

We are snowed in for the 2nd day straight and that's just fine with me. :)

My daughter was ill this morning, but it soon passed and we were on to moving her toy kitchen from the school room to the basement play room. Then, I painted more of the trim in the dining room. We also played with "Bendaroos."

elizabeth said...

what beautiful pictures!

Today liturgy, two stops to the grocery store (a quick walk away) and interview prep!

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