Monday, December 21

Preparing for Nativity: Days Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, and Twenty One...

Things we've been up to: sickness, snow, and a beautiful Christmas tree!
On the agenda tomorrow: All the Christmas Shopping. Yes, ALL! Ugh.


Anonymous said...

You poor thing. I hope the shopping goes well tomorrow and that you're feeling better soon.

My kids would love to see snow. :)

Bethany Hudson said...

Oh, Emily, you brave soul! I only have one present left to buy, and I'm still dreading having to brave the stores!! Is it just me, or do drivers nationwide decide to switch off their brains from November until January with a particular emphasis on the week before Christmas? I feel like I'm taking my life in my hands everytime I get in a car these days.

Miss G said...

We didn't start until Saturday! It wasn't too horrible. Kelly

Pres. Kathy said...

The tree looks beautiful! Good luck with your shopping!!

myletterstoemily said...

lovely tree!

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