Tuesday, August 18

The Most Delicious Potatoes You'll Ever Eat...

First, hollow out some red skinned potatoes. I used five this time.

Next, cover the potatoes (skins and all!) with about and inch of cold water. Put the covered pot on the stove with the heat on medium high.

While you wait for your pot to boil, grate some cheddar cheese,

chop up some chives,

and either fry a few strips of bacon and crumble or use some that's prepackaged.

When your potatoes are boiling, remove the lid and set the timer for 15 minutes.

Add milk and butter to a saucepan (I usually put 1/2 a tablespoon of milk in for each potato and 1/2 a tablespoon of butter in for every two potatoes) and melt it on low heat.

Open up a container of sour cream.

Get out your mixing bowl or potato ricer.

When your potatoes are done cooking, dump them into a colander.

Dry off the skins and put them onto a foil lined cookie sheet.

Dump the potatoes into the mixer, turn it on low and slowly add the milk and butter. Scrape the sides if needed. Add salt and pepper to taste and one or two tablespoons of sour cream.

Scoop the filling into the potato skins.

Sprinkle bacon on top each potato

Garnish with chives and

smother in cheese.

Slide the potatoes into the oven for ten minutes on 375 degrees.

Serve and eat.



Anonymous said...

These look yummy! You should add this post to the MckLinky blog hop:


Maria said...

This is much like the recipe we use for thanksgiving potatoes (minus the cheese and bacon) and we don't twice bake them--just mash.

But I'm pretty sure sour cream makes everything taste better!

Courtney said...

Thanks for posting this! I was going to ask you for the directions again so I could write them down this time! As soon as the heat breaks and I can turn on my oven, I'm making these!

Alicia said...

Those look delish, Emma!

Mary O. said...

Oh.my.word. That looks sooo sinfully delicious! Thanks for sharing.

Willfulmina said...

Thanks for the torture, Em. One more week to go!

::Sylvia:: said...

Oooh! I am so trying these tomorrow! They look absolutely delicious!

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