Wednesday, November 5

President-Elect Obama...

I am having a hard time putting into words how I feel about the election of Obama.

As I'm sure most of you are already well aware, I am not thrilled with Obama's political positions. I am most concerned about his policies regarding life and morals (abortion, stem-cell research, euthanasia, upholding traditional marriage, and cloning) and our national defense.

I read this today and thought it summarized all I was feeling about this election:

"Let us pray that under President Obama's leadership we will finally see the end to the bitterness and hardness of hearts - on both sides - that has stood in the way of reconciliation and final healing for the sin of slavery. Conservatives voted for Sen McCain for political reasons, not because of racism. But we can all share in the pride at how far our country has come. May the reality of an African American family in the highest place of honor bring assurance to every person on Earth that in this regard the American spirit, with the grace of God, has triumphed over evil."

To read the whole article, go here, please visit MommyLife.

I was pleased with Obama's, McCain's, and President Bush's speeches. I thought they were very gracious.


Pattie - Chicagoland, IL said...

And your comments too are very gracious. I am hopeful that Barack will unite us and help us to be the kinder people that I know we are. I have great faith that he and Joe will do their very best. Peace.

P. said...

I understand you so well. I'm not american but even so I fear the future. He won because he pleases the world. That's why so much people like him and don't like to hear their own conscience.

Mimi said...

I agree, all of the speeches were very well done, I thought, and I appreciated them all.

light and good order said...

Thanks for printing that beautiful quote from Mommylife.

For the President of the United States, for our President-elect, and all civil authorities, and for the Armed Forces everywhere, let us pray to the Lord!

::Sylvia:: said...

Yes I agree. What a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing, I've also shared it on both of my blogs...

Bethany Hudson said...

I agree. I was so happy for all three speeches. Very gracious, as you said. I felt sorry for Sen. McCain that his guests were not as gracious as he. I am glad that no one felt it reflected badly on him.

I also really appreciated your quote. I hope that it is that sort of vision for what this presidency means that will be able to unite our country, though we have such disparate political views.


WendyandGabe said...

Thanks for the quote. I have been trying to stay optimistic about this next President. I am a little more liberal on some issues, but I am passionately pro-life and this is why I just couldn't stomach voting for Obama. I was pleased to see so many apathetic voters show some passion this election though.

Elizabeth said...

I totally agree with you about this. Thanks for finding such a good quote that expresses the feelings of many people regarding the election results.

Take care,

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