Saturday, November 15

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity, Jig...

We are home! We actually returned yesterday afternoon, but I was finishing up a bout of the stomach 'flu and couldn't really think about doing much except plopping on the couch without moving. My poor little ones are now in the throws of it themselves (our daughter seems to be coming out just fine, but our Little Man has contracted it as badly as his Mama did). Please say a little prayer that if Father John has to get it, he won't until tomorrow evening. He would be sad to not be able to serve Liturgy tomorrow, especially with such wonderful news to share with our congregation!

Mary Cassett - Woman Preparing to Wash Her Sleepy Child


Michelle said...

Welcome home! Hope everyone feels better soon.

Courtney said...

Glad you're home again safely! I'll say a prayer that the little ones recover soon and Fr. John stays healthy.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Stomach flu is the worst. I will pray for your sweet family today.

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