In the Kitchen
I have been churning out autumnal foods: stew, chicken pot pie, biscuits, apple cake, etc. One thing that I haven't made yet is Alicia's sour cream apple pie. I think that I will have to remedy that this week!
Have you seen the trailer for the new Murder on the Orient Express movie?
On My Bedside Table
I'm reading my way through the Thrush Green series. They are such comforting stories, so I really relish my little visits to the Cotswolds.
Of General Interest
I spotted this video on a friend's Facebook page and was fascinated by it!
In My Knitting Basket
I'm sure that you will not be surprised to find that I have yet to finish my grey Amelie sock. Knitting it has been dragging on for such a long time, but the end is in sight: two more repeats of the pattern and then it is on to the toe. I can't wait to wear these socks!
I have the sour cream for this pie and am DV getting the apples tomorrow! so excited!!!
What a fascinating video! Thank you so much for sharing! Now I am determined to practice this"new" way of walking.
My mother taught me a trick with socks that makes getting them knit up so much easier.(-maybe faster too! It feels faster!) Instead of knitting them one after another she knits them both at the same time. So cast on the first one, find a good place to stop after ten or so rows, get out another set of needles and start on the second one. Then it's back and forth till they are both done. It's so wonderful not to have to start all over again after having just finished. :)
Your blog is such an inspiration. It is always a pleasure to visit.
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