One of the things that really helps to make Great Lent and Pascha go a little more smoothly is to plan ahead. Here are some of the things that I have on my list to do:
1. Begin saving onion skins for dyeing eggs red naturally
2. Buy candles (battery operated for little ones) for Great Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha
3. Purchase wheat grass seeds to plant on Palm Sunday
4. Purchase Pascha candy and plastic eggs for egg hunt
5. Sort out Pascha outfits and egg necklace(s)
6. Create a Lenten calendar
7. Pick out a book or two to read during Great Lent
8. Print out Great Lent Passport
Is there anything that I am missing?
great list! I am still trying to figure out what to cook, so that we are not having only baked potato/salad/nuts! :)
Do you just check off the services you attend on the passport? It looks very interesting.
I'm very thankful for your reminder about the Lenten Calendar. I went to Dollar Tree today for supplies and my little girl started working on it. Maybe I can post a photo of the finished product.
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