Monday, July 4

Living and Learning: The Week Ahead...

Church in the Home
I have long admired Emilia's Post, an art shop with a liturgical and bookish twist.  I love everything in Kelsey's etsy store, but her latest offering is these amazing greeting cards that say God Grant You Many Years on the front!  Aren't they wonderful?  I plan on buying a bunch to keep for special occasions throughout the year.

Elizabeth drew my attention to this lovely essay that Donald Hall wrote on his marriage to Jane Kenyon and I enjoyed it very much.  I read The Best Day The Worst Day:  Life with Jane Kenyon a few months ago and I still think about it a lot.

In Season
We picked blueberries this past week and I was thrilled that I was able to nearly fill a gallon ziplock bag with ones that I flash froze on toaster trays.  They will be lovely all autumn, winter, and maybe even in early spring when we need a bit of a pick me up before the abundance of summer arrives.

Moving and Shaking
For the last few weeks I have been using a widget on my android phone to record my steps on a daily basis.  It has become a little bit of an obsession and I have particularly enjoyed the time we've spent visiting family who live in neighborhoods with town centers in walking distance. Walking for me is so much more pleasant when I have a destination in mind.  This morning, Button and I walked to get groceries, and after dinner we took a ramble to the post office to mail letters for my father-in-law. I've been really enjoying trying to make it to my 10,000 step goal each day.

Beauty and Fashion
I've been trying really hard to stop biting my nails, a lifelong bad habit, the past month. Lately I have spent just a little time one evening a week filing my nails, pushing back my cuticles, using a little clear nail polish, and moisturizing my nail beds.  The result  (in less than three weeks) has been very exciting!  Now, the nails on my left hand look amazing and only three nails on my right hand need to catch up in length.  I finally feel like I have feminine hands.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

I still need to read that Donald Hall book! I have others of his that I have loved. His Season at Eagle Pond is delightful. I am glad you also enjoyed that essay, I know I did! I did not realize it, but really his marriage was part of my background to what is ideal in a marriage (home together writing, etc) but that essay gave a lot of insight on how they managed to do it! :)

so wonderful, the walking etc. I am going to NYC tomorrow, we will see how many steps I clock up!

I so need to do the same with the hand treatment; could you share with us in what you use to moisturize your nail beds?

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