Tuesday, March 8

Living and Learning: The Week Ahead...

Church in the Home
The week before Great Lent starts is a wonderful time to clean out the pantry and refrigerator.  I try to also create a menu plan and shopping list for Clean Week in advance so that I can shop on Friday or Saturday.  There's nothing worse than waking up on the first day of the fast to find that there is nothing Lenten to eat in the house!  

 I often find myself falling into a fashion rut towards the end of each season, so I was happy to check out this article on 11 Things All Insanely Stylish People Do.  Hopefully I can up my game for the last few weeks of winter with these good tips.

In the Knitting Basket
I received the order of yarn I mentioned last week and was a little disappointed with the color...  I had been hoping for a spring green, but ended up with teal.  However, I'm going to make the best of it and am going to try to have something nice to give to a friend in a couple of weeks.

My friend, Kathleen, knows how much I love Downton Abbey and so she sent me a link to an episode from the Diane Rehm show that discusses the appeal of Downton Abbey and the history that inspired the show.  Take a listen HERE

The Birth of a Wooden House reminds me a lot of one of my favorite children's books, Building Our HouseIf you watch it, see if you can spot the icon of the Resurrection in the finished house!


DJL said...

Isn't that frustrating about the yarn? I've been looking at Madeline Tosh Vintage in "Coal Seam" and depending upon where you look, it's either a brownish-purplish color or a navy-browinish-grey. I keep debating whether to buy it, not knowing what it actually looks like!

elizabeth said...

well, it is always good to give to a friend! I totally hear you with needing foods before Lent to be sure we still eat! :) I am working on my pantry also! have a great day! ps: will have to check out that video!

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