Kate and I are back with an update on the pinafores that we are working on during our visit together and a short discussion on how to afford luxurious yarn on a budget. Please join in the discussion in the comments section and if you have any other questions to ask us while we are together for the next few days, fire away! We'd love to hear from you!
Show Notes:
I loved this! One thing I do is to check the underground economy of Ravelry! I'm often pleasantly surprised to find another user has had a change of heart or is trying to unload her stash -- with exactly what I want! And as it's "second hand" it is always, always discounted! It's especially great if you only need a bit more to finish a project (as part-skeins are often available), or if you have a dye lot to match, or if you're feeling flexible. Sometimes the yarn is already wound, which is actually a plus for me, but that usually makes it cheaper still! (I'm sure you two know this, but: search for the yarn you want, then click the "stashes" tab, then search for your colorway of choice. If there are matches "to sell or trade" they'll appear first, and then you can direct message the person). I've only ever received wonderful yarn at a great price quickly, and made a real human connection across the interwebs at the same time!
This is so adorable and lovely!
I don't have a knitting question, but have some questions for both of you if you have the time - could you share some tips for household budgeting? You mentioned economy when it comes to yarn, but I was wondering if you might have other tips as well for a general, overall household budget. Also, in terms of femininity, do you have any tips for working fitness/exercise into your day? I find that running a household all day makes me too weary by the end of the day to get any meaningful, dedicated exercise. And lastly, do you take supplements? Which ones do you take? Sorry for the onslaught, but you did say to ask questions! :) Haha. Thanks in advance, ladies!
My little girl and I loved watching this...so nice to see two sisters who share interests this way - that's not the case with my sisters. My question is, what are some ways you keep your relationship so thriving with each other/your other siblings?
Hello! I enjoy your videos. You keep talking about these pinafores - are you going to show what they look like? Or have I missed that somewhere? I'd love to see them. BTW, I've just begin to knit and want to go beyond dishcloths. I'd like to knit a baby blanket. Any suggestions for an easy pattern and what yarn to use? I can't afford and don't need to use the expensive yarn, but is there a brand/store that you would recommend? I've looked at Hobby Lobby and Michaels and just end up confused. Patterns I've seen call for a certain needle size, but the yarn has a different recommended needle size. What to do??? I'm about to give up :(
You are both just so cute! I am really enjoying your videos. I am like you Emma, I knit one project at a time and I have no stash. But I do usually have an embroidery project on the hoop for when I want to do a different type of stitching. I love your suggestion about ordering direct from Madeline Tosh. That is one of my favorite yarns as well.
God bless you both and I hope your families have a lovely Thanksgiving.
I order from Little Knit in Seattle a lot. They have some nice yarns at good prices. I just ordered some yarn from China, via Ebay. I'm happy with them (one cashmere and the other a mohair blend).
Just wanted to drop in and say that I love the videos!!
Just got a chance to view this video. :) Thanks! I didn't know that about ordering directly from MTosh! That's great.
Thanks! We really enjoyed making them!
Thank you for the tip on Little Knit, Teri. I've never heard of them, but am excited to check out their site!
Thank you so much, Dana! You are too kind!
I'll be responding to your question tomorrow, Author. Don't give up! Learning how to knit is worth it in the end!
Thank you, Lucy! Great question!
Wonderful questions, Anna! I answered them in my latest podcast... I hope it helps!
This is such a good tip, Lila! Thank you so much!
This is such a good tip, Lila! Thank you so much!
how fun! finally had a moment free to catch up! neat about the yarn tips etc!!! I have not ordered from here, but years ago Mat. Anna told me of this website for discount yarn. http://www.smileysyarns.com/
FYI! :)
Hi ladies! I finally remembered to watch this video as I sat down in quiet to knit tonight. Love the info! I am actually knitting a project (a scarf for my hubby) with my first yarn from Yarns.com right now, and it is SUCH a more pleasant knit simply due to the nicer yarn! Next, I think I'm going to splurge and try MadelineTosh for the first time...I was waiting to try out a project with nice yarn once I knew what I was doing a bit more... Maybe next time you can answer for me, what are your tips on washing and drying projects made out of nice yarn? do you just follow the directions on the yarn label, or do you treat it extra gently and do something special to it? I freaked out while blocking my baby blanket that it was going to fall apart on me or pill terribly... I'd love to hear your tips! Also, what are your tips on cutting off the yarn after weaving in the ends? Do you tie a knot and cut off the ends, or do you just weave it in REALLY well and then let it hang? I've tried both ways and I am scared that one day my project will fall apart on me.
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