From Father John's Sunday Bulletin
1. Attend
the Divine Services
Participation in the
liturgical life of the church is at the heart of the Orthodox way of life. Regular attendance on Sunday mornings,
Saturday evenings, the 12 Great Feasts, and other special times throughout the
year (like Great Lent), is a must to living a healthy Christian life. Check the
2. Confess
Your Sins
Ask God to help you
see your own faults and weaknesses. Go to the Sacrament of Confession with
sorrow for what you’ve done and hope for a new beginning through God’s grace
and mercy. Confession should be regular, once a month or more; at the very
least during the four fasting seasons.3. Receive Holy Communion
Frequent and fervent reception of the Body and Blood of Christ is indispensable to growing closer to God. Be sure to follow the preparation guidelines, make frequent confession, and remember to offer prayers of thanksgiving afterwards.
4. Keep the Fasts
Fasting on
Wednesdays, Fridays, and other fasting days and seasons, helps us to deny
ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Christ. Regular fasting helps keep
the body health and the soul pure. Health issues, questions? Ask your priest.
5. Make
Your Home a Family
Maintain an icon
corner where you say your morning and evening prayers. Place an icon or cross
in every room so that you remember God during the day. Have your home blessed
each year. Pray unceasingly.
6. Be a Good Steward
Give of yourself,
always remembering that God will hold each of us accountable for the time,
talents, and treasure He has entrusted to our care. Our stewardship indicates
what we truly love (God or other things), for where our treasure is, there will
our heart be also.
7. Study
the Scriptures
Read from the Holy
Bible every day without fail. This is God’s Word to you. Your church wall
calendar gives the appointed Epistle and Gospel reading for each day. 8. Assemble a Home Library
In addition to the Scriptures, we should read the Lives of the Saints, the writings of the Holy Fathers, and other spiritual texts. Ask your priest for some advice. What are you reading now?
9. Be Quick to Forgive and Slow to Judge
Always ask forgiveness when we hurt someone, even if it is unintentional. Remember that if we don’t forgive others, then God won’t forgive us. Likewise, don’t judge your neighbor or you will fall under God’s just judgment.
10. Trust
in God; Not Yourself
Believe what the Lord
teaches through His Church. Don’t subject the Word of God to your own personal opinion;
we don’t know better than He does. The way to the Kingdom is to follow Christ;
we cannot make it there ourselves.
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