Wednesday, February 20

Yarn Along: Cheerful...

The Edith Shawl is making it's final appearance in a Yarn Along post (I hope!)!  This Sunday is Olga's wedding party at church and I hope to present it to her then.  I have to just finish up a few more rows with this last bit of wool, block it, blog it, and then it is hers!

We're reading another mouse story:  Cheerful.  It is a sweet picture book about a city mouse that longs for the country.  Cheerful is a boy mouse, so that makes my little men very happy!


Knitters Notebook said...

What a nice looks so pretty too!!

Anonymous said...

Hurray! It's beautiful.

MamaBirdEmma said...

Thank you, Knitter's Notebook and WifeMomKnitter!

Lydia said...

The shawl is gorgeous!

Anke said...

The shawl looks gorgeous, what a beautiful pattern!

Lori ann said...

what a sweet post, your shawl looks so beautiful and i love that little book, cheerful is a wonderful word!

MamaBirdEmma said...

Thank you for all of the compliments, ladies! You made my day!

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