Monday, February 25


I'm really not great at growing things (I always forget to water!), but when I saw As Cozy as Spring's post on Microgreens, I knew that I wanted to try planting greens with our little ones.  I found everything that we needed (though in the future, I think that I'll skip the little paper pots and opt for a container like Jennifer's), and we quickly re-hydrated the little dirt pellets and popped our seeds in.  We don't have growing lights (or even sun today), but I put a bit of plastic wrap over top of them and put the pots on the counter top under the lights we have beneath our cabinets.  I hope that they will be happy and that I can stick to a watering plan for two weeks...  somehow though, I have a feeling that these little seedlings will be well-watered by my little sprouts!


Michelle M. said...

I hope they grow well for you!

elizabeth said...

Nice ... would love to know how they turn out!

MamaBirdEmma said...

I'll take a few photos as they grow, Michelle and Elizabeth!

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