Tuesday, February 5

House Blessing...

Every year after Theophany (or after moving to a new home), Orthodox Christians invite their priest to come over to bless their house.  Since my husband is a priest, we have to be extra disciplined to make our house blessing happen (the shoemakers children are never shod and all of that!).  This year, we had Father John's extended family come for the weekend to celebrate his father's 65th birthday.  It was the perfect chance to have Grandfather (who is also a priest) bless our house for us!  It was sweet to see our little ones help by taking turns to hold the candle!


Michelle M. said...

I always find it is difficult to take good photos during the house blessing as well. I love house blessings!

elizabeth said...

how very special!!! so glad for this double blessing of the Grandfather priest blessing your house! :)

Bluecanopy said...

Looking forward to ours...what a blessing to have grandpa and papa there to bless!

Bluecanopy said...

Looking forward to ours...what a blessing to have grandpa and papa there to bless!

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