Friday, February 8

Just Because..

It has been a long week.  All of the little ones have taken a turn with a terrible cold and cough, so they were completely miserable.  This past Saturday and Sunday we had ten guests (some of whom stayed overnight) over to celebrate my father-in-law's 65th birthday.  It was lovely, but such a lot of work. 

By yesterday, I was tired of everything and decided to make something frivolous like Strawberry Shortcake.  I normally don't like to make things out of season (strawberries belong to May and June), but they were on sale at the market and I had purchased them to cheer up my little sicklings.  I made these little cakes while my children watched Little Bear and before I knew it, we were sitting down to a cheerful table.

Rain is here for the next few days, so we'll have to find some fun things to do to squelch our cabin fever and continue to get better.  I'm thinking that valentine sugar cookies are next! 


elizabeth said...

Oh dear, that is a stressful week! I love the cookies! so beautiful! I do hope things get better for you...

Maria said...

Lovely and delicious.

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