Thursday, December 1

Christmas Tapestry...

I have known what book I wanted to give the children for Saint Nicholas Day since I read Christmas Tapestry while sitting cross-legged on the floor of the library last year. What a beautiful book! If you have not had the chance to read it, run to borrow it! I am so excited about it arriving in the mail!

Do you get your children Christmas books each year? What are your favorites?


Courtney said...

Ahhh, I don't need another book! I've just finished wrapping 24 Christmas books to open during December (I'm a little late), and I also have two basket filled with Catholic Mosaic book for Advent and Christmas and another basket of other Christmas books that I didn't wrap!

Off to check this out!

Maria said...

The first time I read this book I cried! I do like it very much. We have many favorites; I just posted about that. I'm still looking, though. This summer I found I Saw Three Ships, and liked that very much too.

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