Two Sundays ago, I had a bout of
braxon hicks contractions that lasted for several hours. I went to the hospital to be monitored and they also gave me a
Fetal Fibronectin test (fFN) and it was negative which meant that I would not go into labor during the next 7 -10 days. What a relief! Since everything was okay, life has continued as normal (though I have been resting a lot, not cleaning, and not lifting the children). I was really hoping that I would be given the
fFN test every week or so for the remainder of my pregnancy so that we would have some idea of whether I would go into
pre-term labor. I was so happy that at my
regularly scheduled doctor appointment yesterday, I not only found out that I had passed my glucose test (Phew!), but was going to be getting a second
fFN test.

This morning, the nurse at the office called to say that the
fFN test came back positive. From my reading, the
fFN test is a bit more accurate when it is negative.
Lab Test Online:"Since there are risks associated with treating a woman for premature labor (in anticipation of a premature delivery), a negative fFN can reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and drug therapies.A positive fetal fibronectin test is less specific. It is associated with an increased risk for preterm delivery and with neonatal complications, but it will not tell a woman's doctor whether or not she will deliver early. A positive test suggests the need to monitor a symptomatic woman more closely."
Basically, we will be trying to determine the best ways to keep me pregnant longer. As of now, I am on bed rest.

Please pray for our family these next weeks. Sugar Plum and Little Man are doing really well. I know that things will get harder for them as time goes on... especially since they really don't understand why Mama is lying around and can't do the things that we usually do. It is a real blessing that Fr John works from home! I'll try to update as much as I can.
We'll be praying for you, Emily!
You will be in our prayers. Just try to relax and say the Jesus Prayer - that seems to help me. :-)
Prayers for you and your little one Matushka!
You're in my prayers. So sorry to hear that you are on bedrest. I hope you get the relaxation and rest that you and the baby need.
Take care! I've read your blog for over a year now though I've rarely commented. I'm on bedrest right now too. We've made it to 32 weeks (contractions started at 30) and are praying to make it to Pentecost.
I have a daughter about Sugar Plum's age and the biggest fun we've had was giving her free access to the craft drawer. She works at the coffee table, mainly cutting and strewing construction paper everywhere and assigns me specific projects-- this morning I made a mama felt owl to round out her little family. She is a tornado and we're thankful that there is family near by and she goes to preschool 2x a week, but a steady diet of library books and mess making gets us through the day. Feel free to drop me an email if you ever want to pick my brain for more ideas... calee mlee at gmail
May the Lord have mercy! Thanks for letting us know. My prayers.
I am praying for you. I started having cramping and BH contractions at 30 weeks. I'm 32 1/2 weeks now and they are getting stronger and more frequent every day! Tomorrow is my doctor's appointment. I'm hoping this is all just "practice" because at 35 weeks preggers, I'm the matron of honor at my sister's wedding (a 6 hour round-trip drive)!
Praying for you and your family. I can not tell you how much inspiration I have from reading your family blog. I hope the boy stays in mommy for some time...may your precious gems be illuminated with patience and understanding. God Bless.
So sorry to hear you are on bedrest. With both of my pregnancies I went into labor early...our children seem to be the same age! With my little girl, bedrest and all of that was prescribed, but we still had her early. When I started with the contractions early again the next time, we were a little more cautious. We did do repeat fFN, I can't remember WHEN it came back positive, but I do remember that WASN'T when we had our son. Emphasizing the false-positive info you posted in your post. They actually put me on Procardia for preterm labor. It didn't make me feel too great, but he stayed in the womb all the way until his due date ! Glory to God for all things.
Just wanted to share a positive spin on things.
As for bedrest with the little ones around...I don't have to tell you how hard that is. All I can say is that I broke a lot of my own rules at that time - she was allowed to do a lot of things and make a lot of messes!
p.s. lots and lots and lots of water.
I'll be in prayer for you. My sister just delivered Monday - we didn't think she'd make it to 20 weeks but she was past term! Try not to look at the house...
Just to let you know, I posted a prayer request on my blog as well. The sister who just delivered is named Emily too.
Praying for you! I just had our third child and I know how hard it can be to be out of commission when you have other little ones who need you...
I'm so sorry to hear that you are bed rest. You and your family are in our prayers.
You are in my prayers, Emily! I hope this is a time of renewed strength for you.
Lord have mercy! You're in my prayers Emily! I was on bedrest most of my pregnancy with my youngest (my oldest was only three) - it was not easy - but we all survived. :)
Take care, Matushka Emily! Many prayers and thoughts for you and your tiny wonder, as well as your family!
My prayers are with you and bubs, Emily. I hope things remain stable.
Prayers for you and your family. Nancy
You know we're "here" as much as you need us from a few states away! Kicking my plan into gear for the kiddos today! Talk to you soon and lots of love.
Thank you for all of the prayers, love, and support! We really feel them:)
I too was on bed rest for my third baby. It was hard having two other little ones to care for while being confined to bed, but in the end it was all worth it.
Many, many hopes for smooth sailing for you and your new baby. I will be thinking of you both.
Hi! I'm back to blogging after many weeks of being without a computer. I stopped by here for a visit and read of your pregnancy concerns. I will pray for you that you can keep the tiny one all the way to the end of the pregnancy. It is so hard to be down when you have little ones around. I pray that you will have lots of help, love and peace.
God bless,
Matushka Emily you and your family are in our prayers. We recently had a very early baby born into our family. She is thriving and a joy to us all. Her mommy also did great. praying for a joyful outcome for you all.
Alicia in New Zealand
Please don't be overly concerned by a positive FFN - we routinely use it in my practice only to decide to whom we should give celestone. It has a *very* high false positive rate! You will continue in my prayers...
I am going to pray that your time of stillness in bed is very fruitful indeed. Bedrest can be a blessing. Be still and know God!
You have come to my mind very often lately; please know all those thoughts will be turned to prayers.
I'm sorry to hear about this, but glad they are monitoring you so well this time.
I'm praying for a much longer pregnancy and strength and patience for everyone, followed by a good delivery.
We will be praying for you and your baby. Please keep us updated and rest, rest, rest!
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