Friday, February 6

Rice, Rice Baby...

Mrs. Brigham reminded with a recent post that I wanted to make an indoor sand box for our daughter this winter. One large bag of rice and a scavenger hunt for fun playthings around the kitchen (both the "real" one and the play one!) and we were in business. I think that this will help on the cold, dreary afternoons we've been having!


Sarah said...

How old is your daughter? My son is 2.5 and I think this might be a good idea for him.

MamaBirdEmma said...

HI Mrs. Lindblom!

Our little girl will be three in May... so just about at old as your little one:)

Phyllis said...

This is one of our favorite indoor activities! I use a much bigger container and put the child IN it with the rice, though. Less mess. :-)

Jen said...

When my boys were littler, we used to do this. Be sure to lay out a large sheet under the box of rice for easier clean-up :-)

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