Sunday, February 1

Living and Learning for February...


The Meeting of the Lord

The Publican and the Pharisee

The Prodigal Son

Prepare for Great Lent


Keep to homemaking budget

Shampoo downstairs carpet

Work on photo albums for birthdays

Donate decluttered items

Seasonal binders

Bread baking

Hang shade in nursery

Tidy back porch

Find child sized chairs

Find child-sized shelving


Host a craft playdate

Improve prayer life

Potty learning for Daughter

Read The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios

Read from the Prologue daily

Special Days

Groundhog Day (2nd)

Valentine’s Day (14th)

Gramma (17th)

Aunt Susan (17th)


Baking on Monday

Library on Tuesday

Playdate on Wednesday

Arts and Crafts on Thursday

Games on Friday


The sign of the cross

Setting the table and helping with the dishes

Late Winter felt board

Heart garland

Homemade valentines

Nature table scene and book basket

Full Snow moon (February 9th)

Log cabin made of pretzels

Visit an Art Museum

Listen to stories on the ipod

Heart birdseed cakes for the birds

Souper Bowl Sunday


magda said...

How is it that just reading through your lists makes me feel more peaceful?

Pres. Kathy said...

I agree with Magda - this is something I need to work on!

Holly said...

I'm new to blogging and discovered your blog almost right away. I love the feel of it and your pictures make it so dear. Where do you get your pictures such as this one with the little child reading?

I'd love it if you visited my blog.

Happy Presentation of the Lord (loved your shelf).


Christina said...

We were at St.John the Forerunner monastery in Goldendale, WA over the weekend and purchased the book "The Gurues, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios". The nuns said they it is excellent and that everyone who comes to the monastery has been buying it. I told them that anything with the words "Elder Paisios" in the title would probably sell quickly in the Orthodox world! DH,though, has grabbed the book before me, so I have to patiently wait for him to finish it before it is my turn:)

Susan Sophia said...

I love reading your goals. It is inspiring and encouraging. My goal for the year is to become more purposeful and organized. Hopefully developing habits that become ritual.

MamaBirdEmma said...

Thanks for your blog link, Holly! I will check it out:)

I find many of my pictures through google images. Most of the work is done by Jessie Wilcox Smith or Waterhouse... two of my favorite artists.

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