Wednesday, August 20


The past few weeks have passed by in a blur! I was so busy that there were days when I didn't even check my e-mail... a huge rarity for me even when I'm away from home!

With the past two weeks and this coming week full of guests, services, events, 50th anniversary parties, reunions, and traveling, the summer is winding down quickly! Despite all the frenzied activity we've been experiencing we've been finding some time to do the things that we enjoy and spend some time relaxing.

I've made the effort to give the babies some bath play time every evening before bed and I've noticed that it really helps them calm down after the long day. Our son is particularly fond of bath time - he loves splashing and practicing his new skills in the tub. Our daughter loves to have time to paint or use markers in the morning for some special Mama Time while Boy (as she refers to him) takes a nap. I've been trying to spend some time enjoying a chapter or two of a Miss Read book each day and despite all of our activities, Fr. John and I have been making a real effort to spend time together each evening. We've been hooked into Season Five of 24 the past few nights (I love borrowing dvds from the library!) and are really enjoying the show and each other.

What do you like to do to savor a little time when things are busy?


Kate Linnea Welsh said...

I make a cup of tea and either read or knit.

Kate Linnea Welsh said...

Oh, and making time to say some of the Liturgy of the Hours helps too.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy a few minutes with a pretty magazine or decorating book. I almost always do this before bed, and sometimes if I need a break during the day too.

Wenonah4th said...

During the day, it's our read-alouds. In addition to picture books, I always have some longer children's book going with Bluebonnet and I enjoy that quite a lot. Right now we're finishing up *Strawberry Girl* by Lois Lenski.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kat with a k, you sound like me. Though with an overactive eleven month old, I don't have time for the liturgy of the hours. But a cup of tea, knitting or a book sound so good. I turned to knitting when I found that I just did not have the time for embroidery.

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