Sunday, March 30

Springtime Clothing Inspiration...

These pretty clothes can be purchesed at J. Jill, April Cornell, or Boden.


Jamie Carin and Claudio Romano said...

All beautiful! You need to say where each is from! I recognize some from April Cornell I think...and maybe som J.Jill?

I am in desperate need of post pregnancy clothes. I need versatile, multi-season, comfortable, but classy stuff. Any suggestions??


Courtney said...

Agh! The first three items are perfect! I love J.Jill so much. I'm so bummed I won't get to wear anything cute this spring/summer. Well, maybe I'll catch some deals at the end of the season!

Anonymous said...

I second this! What companies sell these items?

Mimi said...

Ooooh, April Cornell! Sigh!

Mrs. R said...

Wow. That pink dress is beautiful! Where is it from?

MamaBirdEmma said...

I'm sorry about not linking to the companies that sell these dresses and skirts. I've just remedied the situation:)

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