Saturday, May 31

Twenty-Four Hours...

My mother-in-law took the trio to her house for an overnight and will be keeping them until Vespers tonight.  It is the first time that we've done this without having anything pressing to do or anywhere that we need to go sans children.  I had no list of things to complete while the children were gone, but ended up finding a lot to occupy me.  The big projects were to clean the house and dump some junk left in the attic by the previous owner.  The rest was more relaxing:  knitting, reading, a little television, some chainmail work, and lunch out with my husband.  Oh, and sleeping in.  It was very nice and very quiet...  sometimes we don't know what we need until we unexpectedly get it!  Thank you, Grandma! 


Maria said...

That sounds wonderful!

elizabeth said...

how nice!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's wonderful! I'm sure it was very much "needed" even if there wasn't a specific, pressing need.

Christine said...

Being a grandma, I'm sure she is having a marvelous time, too!

Katya said...

Sounds so lovely!! Of course, we all adore our children, but quiet time is so necessary!!

Mimi said...

I always say (and pardon me if I've said it to you before :) ) that date nights are the glue that holds marriages together - I'm so glad you had this opportunity.
I also agree that the good portion was spread around, as grandma time is wonderful as well!

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