Other than the nursing situation, everything is going very well (and even that is totally normal for a baby of this age and size)! Most of his day is spent sleeping, but we noticed today that he was awake in the afternoon for over an hour. He was checking everything out and visiting with his big sister and big brother. It was pretty cute!
It is so hard to believe that my forty days ends next week (the 15th of July). We still plan on keeping our little one home as much as we can until his baptism. Though most Orthodox Christians try to baptize their children on or around the 40th day, we are going to postpone it until he is about 8 pounds (I am guessing that will be around the end of August or beginning of September). We did this for Little Man and felt that it was an easier day for him than Sugar Plum's baptism was for her (she was only about 6 pounds and so very tiny!).
We have a hearing appointment scheduled for next week. This is just a precaution since his hearing seems normal, but we'd appreciate your prayers! I'll update you when we get the results!
Continuing in prayer! Yeah, it can take a while for the weight to come on for a little one ... was same with me, who was born at just over 4 lbs some 30 odd years ago :)
thanks for keeping us posted and for sure will pray for this appointment.
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog - I felt really encouraged. Thanks.
Love and prayers !
I feel like the worst friend in the world for actually having missed the birth of your baby!!! Oh Emma, I read the birth story and you are absolutely right, birthing a baby that is sunny side up is really hard. That was how my first one came into the world. I am so sorry it has taken me so long to react. The only excuse I have is that I have been in a colick induced haze for the first three to four months of my own babies' life, and then right when that started waning, we went into travelling to show him to the respective families and now teething...
I just want you to know that while I have not visited, I have been thinking of you and praying for you! Be loved and blessed,
Prayers for the hearing test and continued improvement of your wee one. I'll be mailing out those diapers today (better get them to you before he doesn't need them anymore!) I wanted to mail them out sooner, but I've been without a vehicle.
It's kind of hard to believe that your son is "older" than my son, yet technically, my son is older. LOL! My son will be 1 month old on July 15th, yet your son shouldn't even be born yet! I'm so glad he's doing well. My oldest was only 5 weeks early, but I remember those days of nursing and pumping around the clock. I pray he will begin to exclusively nurse as soon as possible.
My baby (#6) is 10 months and I still feel like the world revolves around her feedings! Try not to be too pre-occupied with the hearing screening! What did the world ever do without the hearing screening?!?!? I got SO incredibly angry with that test when my 4th baby cried so hard that they couldn't do it. When I rejected the test altogether, they made me feel like DIRT which made me even angrier. Consequently, I rejected the hearing screening with my subsequent babies. The little old lady volunteers can put me in jail (they claim it's 'illegal' in my state to reject the screening). I think mothers who go with their instinct know when their babies can hear. All this to say, just don't stress your baby out for an inconsequential test.
Cheers for you, Matushka, for sticking with it - I know it's hard. It sounds like things are going great!
Prayers for his hearing appointment. I'm sure it will be fine - just precautionary.
Has the package arrived yet? (Can you tell I'm the impatient sort?)
Not yet, Matushka! I was stalking our mail carrier yesterday hoping! I think that the holiday on Monday messed things up.
Oh, and a huge CONGRATS on fattening up that sweet baby! Nice job!
I'm on pins and needles! (c;
E-mail me when you get it!
Grow Mini Man Grow!
Glad he is nursing well, and prayers for the hearing test.
Oh, I remember those days of the rented milk pump. I actually have trouble imaginging how you do it with the two others. May God grant you strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day.
Our prayers are with you!
I'm glad to hear that things are going well. I can remember doing the same thing: nursing and following up with a bottle. It was hard work, but definitely worth it. You're doing a great job! Our prayer continue for you.
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