Tuesday, April 8

A Sling for You and a Sling for Me...

While replenishing our stock of teething tablets for our Little Miss at our local health food store last week, I noticed that they were now stocking some baby slings. Since we had just loaned our Baby Bjorn (which I don't like, btw) to one of our parishioners to try out, I decided to pick this one up to use with both of our children. So far I really like it and it has come in handy for grocery shopping and homemaking with our son and singing in the choir with our daughter (she likes to "sing" with me and there is usually someone that is very willing to hold Mr. Chubbs during the service!).

Our little girl is fascinated with the concept of wearing one's baby and we have developed a way (which is probably not new!) of fashioning a sling for her to use with her doll. Here's how we do it:


Xenia Kathryn said...

Slings are fabulous :) I can't wait to employ mine once this huge prego belly is gone, Then I can go back to slingin' my toddler AND my new baby... though not at the same time). Great idea with the sling blankie for your little girl! I'll try that with V.

Meg said...

My daughter has used one of these with both her sons -- wish they'd been available when I was a young mother! They look great for both mother and baby.

Courtney said...

Cute! I'm having a mini-Mei Tai made for DS for his "baby." I cannot wait for it to come!

I cannot wait to get back to babywearing. I really miss it! I know DS too. My mom will carry him on her back when she's here, and he adores it. It makes me sad that I've had to discontinue wearing him when he's still so young and clearly still craves it. I once saw a picture online of someone who managed to use a wrap to wear both her children-- one in the front and one in back. That might be me, lol.

Darcy said...

There are so many neat baby slings out there now! I had a Baby Bjorn for all 3 of mine and liked it but would have loved to try a sling as well.

I don't know if you sew but thought I would share this Baby Doll Sling Tutorial link with you just incase. I've bookmarked it and want to make them for my girls as soon as I have time to get my sewing machine out again.


Mimi said...

Baby wearing was something that I never quite did, but if I were to have another child, I'd totally do it.

And, awesome about your little girl wearing her baby too! So cute!

Elizabeth said...

Very darling! Thanks for sharing. I tried to "wear" both of my babies (one at a time), but it hurt my back too much. If it works for others, go for it! :)


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