Friday, December 25

Christ is Born!

 Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

My photographic documentation of Christmas Day is pathetic, but it was a wonderful day full of good cheer and lovely food.  We always have a spread of appetizers following the Divine Liturgy and this year's included: veggies and dip, spanakopita, cookies, chocolates, and a charcuterie board with cheese, cured meats, olives, and crackers.  Dinner was roast beast with carrots and onions swimming in a lovely beef au jus, roasted turkey breast and gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, creamed onions, and buttered peas with sautéed mushrooms.

 I also made a bûche de Noël.  This is my third year, so I guess that makes it a tradition. Don't be scared to try to make one! This recipe is from Betty Crocker and a good starting point for a delicious Christmas confection.

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