In signs and in miracles thou wast renowned throughout Gaul.
By grace and adoption thou are a light for the world, O Martin, blessed of God.
Alms, deeds and compassion filled thy life with their splendors,
Teaching and wise counsel were thy riches and treasures,
Which thou dispense freely to those who honor thee.
By grace and adoption thou are a light for the world, O Martin, blessed of God.
Alms, deeds and compassion filled thy life with their splendors,
Teaching and wise counsel were thy riches and treasures,
Which thou dispense freely to those who honor thee.
November 11th is the feast of Saint Martin and one of my favorite days to celebrate. It is such a lovely reminder to our children (and their Papa and Mama!) to be kind and generous to all. I gathered up all of our Saint Martin treasures last night and surprised the children with a new display on our nature/feastday table this morning. I've been tucking things away these past weeks to make Saint Martin's feast special: new hats and mittens, some whole nuts to crack, ingredients to make blueberry muffins for breakfast, a special pinecone shaped beeswax candle for our table, and a chocolate bar to share. We normally have our first clementines of the season on this feast and will have a lantern walk through the woods at twilight.
You can find the learning basket for the feast of Saint Martin, HERE.
1 comment:
that is very lovely! :)
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