Tuesday, November 19

The Attendance Was Two...

On Sunday morning, we woke early to find that a thick blanket of fog had moved in overnight.  I don't know what it is about fog, but I love it.  It feels mysterious and cozy all at the same time.  Little Man and I took a quick stroll around the outskirts of the woods before people started pulling into the parking lot for church.  It is interesting to me that this boy of ours actively pursues alone time with his parents (much more than our other children).  Once or twice a week, Father John will return from his evening prayers (which he does in the chapel) and he'll whisper to me that the "attendance was two."  While I'm busy fiddling with the knitting, Little Man slips out of bed and tiptoes in to pray with his papa.  I asked tonight what he does in the church, and Father John said that he just sits on a bench and quietly listens to the prayers.  This boy is in constant motion during the day, but he seeks out the peacefulness of a nighttime service with this father and an early morning walk with his mother.  He'll be six in a few short weeks.  I cannot believe it.


kyrie said...

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. What a gift it is to know our children so deeply.

Maria said...

This is very sweet. He is a very sweet boy.

Flambeaux said...

Beautiful. Both the pictures of the fog and the anecdote about your son.

Thank you.

Elissa said...

So very precious. Thank you for sharing.

Matushka Anna said...

Love the photos! It's so nice that you have some wilderness to roam around in! So sweet about your oldest. :)

Martha said...

Days like that are so fascinating, to young and old...and everyone in between. What lovely photos!

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